What to Wear/Hygiene/Illness Policies

  1. Silks students may not wear any jewelry, zippers, snaps, abrasive fabrics, sequins, rhinestones, or other sharp objects on their person while on the silks. Do not chew gum in class. Students need to have reasonably trim nails to use the silks.

  2. Apparatus Specific Recommended Attire. All apparatuses are done in bare feet.

    1. Rope: jeans with buttons, zippers or anything that could rip the ropes are prohibited. Wear multiple pairs of thick leggings/”jeggings” and a leotard or a shirt that can tuck into your pants.

    2. Pole: short/form-fitting shorts and a sleeveless crop top/half top or sports bra is recommended attire. You may wear a t-shirt or tank top, but be aware you may need certain parts of your skin exposed to execute certain skills.

    3. Trapeze/Lyra/Silks/Aerial Conditioning/Flexibility: Leggings and a form fitting top is recommended attire. Protect the underarms by wearing a t-shirt or long sleeve shirt. Leotards are always a great option, or a shirt that can tuck into your pants. Shorts may be recommended in intermediate Lyra or Trapeze, at the direction of your instructor.

  3. Please help us keep the equipment hygienic for all. We request that students come to class with clean bodies. If a student comes to class with unreasonably body odor or stinky feet, the instructor may ask the student to sit out.

  4. If you are sick, please stay home. If you are coughing or sneezing, or showing visible signs of illness, please do not come to class. Talk with your teacher about doing a makeup class instead. This extends to all contagious conditions that cannot be mitigated through the use of medication or effective barriers. This may pertain to athlete's foot, please reach out if you have a specific condition in question.