Student Conduct Expectations

  1. Momentum Aerial is a safe space for all. Please treat everyone at our studio with respect. There is no discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, relationship orientation, ethnicity, nationality, disability, mental status, gender identity, political opinion, or body image.

  2. No sexual misconduct, harassment, violent or intimidating conduct, or any other non-consensual behavior. Momentum instructors have the right to ask a student to leave due to improper conduct.

  3. Students are not permitted to teach other students in class or during open gyms. If you have a question, please ask your instructor. Do not ask other students in open gym to teach you a skill; practice only what you know.

  4. Students are not permitted to share videos of classroom instruction or choreography from class with other students who are not enrolled in the same class.

  5. Students desiring to film or take pictures must have consent of everyone in the room. Be respectful of your fellow students when thinking about posting to social media. Ask for consent first!

  6. If a class is going on in the aerial studio, please keep side conversations to a minimum and at low volume. Be aware of your impact on other students’ abilities to focus.

  7. Students may not come to class impaired in any way. Students under the influence of drugs or alcohol, mental distress, or physical injury may be asked to leave or watch class instead of participate.

  8. We encourage you to bring any nutritional snacks that you may need during class, but please clean up after yourself and do not leave food at the studio. Please try to avoid eating during class, and always wash hands before getting on apparatuses.

  9. Pole Program Rules: There is no unauthorized use of pole equipment. Please remove shoes before entering the pole space to reduce the tracking of mud and debris into the flooring.

  10. NO pets allowed with the exception of service animals. Dogs cannot be tied up out front of Momentum.

  11. Visitors: It is up to the discretion of the instructor of visitors are allowed to watch classes. If you would like a visitor to watch class, please ask for permission in advance.

  12. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone in the case of health or safety concerns.

  13. Weapons (guns, knives bigger than a pocket knife, bats, and other objects meant for hurting people, animals or hitting things), are not allowed at Momentum.