At Home Aerial Conditioning

Momentum’s Online Conditioning Classes

With everything closed, and not many ways to get up in the air, us aerialists are feeling cooped up! There are so many ways we can stay in shape during the quarantine. Check out these resources:


Get a great workout, see fellow Momentum Aerial Students, and (and support our program!) by attending our online conditioning and flexibility classes! Sign up online on our Mindbody, and we’ll email you the link to join the Zoom meeting. Our weekly schedule is as follows:

Tuesdays 9 am Progressing Ballet Techniques with Maggie

Thursdays 12 pm QuaranTONE with Beth

Fridays 9 am Aerial Conditioning with Izzy

Sundays 11 am Aerial Conditioning with Dawn

All you need is floor space, stretch bands (or a pair of old tights!) and small weights (or laundry detergent jugs!).

The Aerial ABC’s by Paper Doll Militia

Refine and condition your technique with these lessons on proper body engagement. Please use proper rigging practices if you have aerial equipment at home. Momentum Aerial is not responsible for any aerial activities you do at home.

Some of our other favorite Aerial ABC’s

Shoulder Position in Straight Arm Hang (can be done using a pull up bar, or the floor)

Straddle Inverts

Circus Classes for Young Children

A chance to take class through Kinetic Arts in the Bay Area!

Need a rest day? Stay inspired by watching one of Cirque Du Sole’s 60 Minute Specials.

Momentum Aerial