Frequently Asked Questions

Se habla Español. Para servicio en español, habla con Joanie (970) 560-9485 o por email ¡Muchas Gracias!

I can’t find your class schedule / it took me to mindbody; what is that?

Our class schedule is hosted on MINDBODY, our payment and scheduling software provider. For the best experience, download the free MINDBODY app and find Momentum Aerial there. If you are a new student, you will need to create an account. If you are a parent, be sure you have an account for both you and your child.

I’m a new student. What level should I sign up for?

Our level system starts with 1a. This class is designed for people with no prior experience. Our Youth Program leveling system takes students through levels 1a through 1d before passing on to level 2. This can take students four semesters or longer in some cases. Our Adult Program leveling system does not typically include a 1d semester. In most cases, our class structure takes students through level 1 in two semesters (1a, 1b and 1c) before moving on to 2a and so on. For more information, talk with your instructor. We do not allow new students in leveled classes after the first 3 weeks of our semester.

If you have not taken any aerial classes before, please sign up for Level 1a in the apparatus you’d like to take. Even if you are a dancer or gymnast, or an aerialist who takes 1 apparatus, you still must take Level 1a in a new apparatus.

If you have taken aerial classes elsewhere before, and would like to test into a higher level than 1a, please contact us to set up a skills check to show an instructor your aerial knowledge and strength.

Momentum has drop in friendly classes that do not require students to have any prior experience. Those are Aerial Conditioning, Aerial Yoga, and Flexibility. Check the schedule on MINDBODY for dates and times.

I would love to do aerial but I have no upper body strength/I am not flexible/I am afraid of heights.

Momentum Aerial sets our students up for success with a progressive curriculum that guides students through skill appropriate levels and progressions that help you gain strength, comprehension, and have fun while you are doing it. Come as you are to our Level 1a classes, no prior experience necessary.

I missed a class. How do I make it up?

Students who have purchased a semester (1x week pass) can make up classes by attending an additional Open Gym, Aerial Conditioning, or Flexibility class. If you miss more than two consecutive weeks, your instructor may recommend a private lesson to get you caught up.

Do you close for holidays?

Momentum Aerial generally hosts classes on holidays with the exception of Thanksgiving and the winter holidays like Christmas and New Years. The studio follows the NAU calendar, taking a one week break at the end of the Spring term, a two week break at the end summer term, and a 4 week break at the end of fall term. Talk to your instructor if your class falls on a holiday. Some classes will choose to postpone or reschedule.

How do I find out which studio my class is in?

Momentum Aerial keeps our entire class schedule on the MINDBODY App. We encourage students to download this free app from the app store to view our class schedule. You do not need to log in or to have an account to view the class schedule. To see which studio your class is at, click on the class and the room will appear. Momentum Aerial has 3 studio classrooms, all in one location. More info.

class cancelations / rescheduled class info

We keep our schedule on MINDBODY up to date. If a class is canceled to to snow, a holiday, or for any other reason, we will list it as ‘canceled’ on our schedule on MINDBODY. Look there first, and if you are still not sure, reach out to your instructor, or the studio at If an instructor needs to cancel class, they or a member of our admin team will reach out to you ASAP.